Info: Avenue SERZEDELO CORREA, 805,
Website: http://brflor.com.br/pt
E-Mail: contato@brflor.com.br
Contact Person: David Escaquete
Short Description (Company/ Institute):
We are a computational development company, specialized in creating systems focused on improving the management of forest-based companies and with a strong focus on the Amazon region. We have a multidisciplinary team with experience in several areas of the wood value chain, we have achieved this knowledge and the culture of teaching by doing, simplifying and perfecting internal processes in addition to qualifying the employees involved.
Fields of activity, fields of research and development:
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system that integrates the management of forestry enterprises, bringing together in a single solution the management information and the traceability of forest products since their origin. In addition to the traceability system for wood products developed by our company, our multidisciplinary team has a portfolio of works developed in the Amazon region for the development of value chains for non-wood products such as açaí and pirarucu.
Main competences for international cooperation:
BRFLOR has experience with the traceability system and already works with wood products from tropical forests. In addition, our team also has extensive knowledge in socio-biodiversity value chains.
Main fields of interest for international cooperation:
Origin and traceability of the fish value chain.
References / examples of most relevant products and services:
Today we offer 2 modules: Forest and Industry; We have projects in traditional communities that do Sustainable Management and in addition the system is also contracted by large timber companies in the Amazon rainforest;