Hochschule Bremerhaven

Short Description (Company/ Institute):

The Bremerhavener Institute of applied mollecular biology (BIAMOL) is located within the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven. The main focus of the resarch field is the development of new genetic fingerprint detection systems using qPCR. Recent developments are focussed on the combination of microfluidics and DNA fingerprints to design point of care detection systems (PoC). These systems will be applied in the following fields:

  1. Medicin
  2. Environmental surveillance
  3. Monitoring of Aquaculture saftey
  4. Hygenic control
  5. Quality control in food processing

Fields of activity, fields of research and development:

Basics and advanced applications in genetic fingerprint technologies. This could also include NGS technologies in detecting pathogens in human samples.

  1. Detection of human pathogens like for example Salmonella or Listeria using the genetic fingerprint (qPCR).
  2. Detection of multiple resistent Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using also the qPCR
  3. Developments of Lab-on-a-chip system to provide point of care detection (PoC) systems for improved analysis of human pathogenes like Legionella and MRSA.

Main competences for international cooperation:

  1. Possible new fields of Application
  2. Exchange of expertises
  3. Development of a common study course (double degree) in Biotechnology

References / examples of most relevant products and services:

food industry, medical diagnostics, life science

  1. Identification, detection, biology and control of microorganisms
  2. DNA-technology, PCR, RT-PCR and q-PCR, chip technology, multiplex detectio Nanobiotechnology (Microfluidics)
  3. Chain management and food quality control